Saturday 13 October 2012

Thought for the week-12th October

Traditionally this is the season when folk gathered to give thanks that crops were gathered in for the winter. Things are different today but this is still a time to thank God for His blessings. Many will express gratitude by bringing gifts of food to Harvest Services.  For many churches this will be a case of stocking up supplies to feed those in need in our communities. However we also have responsibility to those who live in the poorer areas of the world who live without the simple commodities of clean water and toilets which we take for granted therefore we are raising to help Tear Fund improve sanitation in these places and help save the lives of some of the 1.8 million people who die due to poor sanitation. -
Jesus tells us to love our neighbours – I believe that this is a call to show our love in action not only to those in our own community but also to those we might never meet - our efforts may seem like a drop in the ocean but the ocean is made up of many drops.By Rev Kathy Robertson – Dewsbury Team Parish.  Representing Churches Together in Dewsbury.  To contact CTiD please ring 01924 454750 or 457057.

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