Sunday 2 September 2012

Back to Church Sunday

Details of the back to Church Sunday website can be found Here

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Back to Church Sunday is on 30th September

What is Back to Church Sunday?

Back to Church Sunday has grown beyond all expectations since the first day in Greater Manchester in 2004. It is now the largest single local-church invitational initiative in the world, taking place in churches across denominations worldwide.
Seeking to unlock the potential in personal invitation, Back to Church Sunday is an opportunity to act together each year and take the simplest and shortest step in evangelism; inviting someone we already know to our church.
"Back to Church Sunday is a fantastic opportunity for us to grow the church. We know there are at least 3 million people in England who would come back to church if they had an invitation. And we know there are hundreds of thousands of Christians who want to invite their friends."
Paul Bayes, Bishop of Hertford, St Albans Diocese 

Back to Church Sunday has, and continues to have, a significant impact. Not only does it see tens of thousands of people come back to church on one Sunday in September, but it also sees many becoming regular attenders and active members of their local churches.

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